Soul Journeying for the woman who is ready to step into her Soul Shoes, reclaim her HeART, Vitality & Creative Power. 

As soon as we step into our Soul Shoes, we reclaim our unique gifts and Creative Power.
We start to unapologetically live from our heART & Soul! 

As soon as we retrieve / integrate the lost parts of our Soul, we start to live our most authentic, healthy & creative version in life & love and see this positively ripple out in our

Get clear on what part of your Soul is ready to be retrieved & integrated and what's the next inspired step to take on your journey:

❥ Are you a woman who knows she has something more inside of her but can't put her finger on it?

❥ Do you lead a successful life in the eyes of society, having it all 'together', the house, the family, the business, yet you feel chronically depleted, burnt out and you feel an emptiness inside telling you there is something missing in your life?

❥ Does it simply feel unsafe for you to live in your body and feel what you feel because of the past?

❥ Do you sometimes feel an unbearable sense of loneliness expressing itself as overachievement, over-socialising and repetitive episodes of burnout and exhaustion?

❥ Do you feel overwhelmed easily and live in a trance of unworthiness?

❥ Do you feel stuck in the swamp of scarcity consciousness, believing there will never be enough time and money for you to live the life you are longing for?

❥ Are you chronically self-abandoning, denying your needs and boundaries and obeying the 'shoulds' of the collective, the ego, your conditioning?

❥ Are you energetically capping your vitality, your creativity, success and financial prosperity?

This may be because you are operating from a wounded inner child and the wounded masculine and/or feminine. This may be because you are partly or completely closed off from your Creative Feminine Energy, the part of you that opens the floodgates to Joy, Abundance, Infinite Self-Love and Worthiness. 

You want flow, ease, and you know you deserve it!

Did you know, there is something magical about your creative feminine energy?:

❥ The powerful insights you receive from your intuition. 
❥ The identifying of YOUR desires, NOT what everyone else wants. 
❥ The ability to receive more of your desires with easy & grace as opposed to through only hard work. 
❥ The power to create & birth your spiritual gifts. 

And yet you struggle. Yes, you're successful maybe, but it's from grit and hard work and making it all happen. You feel exhausted. 
You have been measuring success by your outside achievements, like your career, money, appearance, status, house, etc. 

Why then, despite all the 'success' you have, you feel hollow on the inside? Maybe even depleted & depressed?

The reality is that other people's success will never feel like real success to you. You've got to find your own unique version of success, to get the genuine satisfaction that only comes with paving your own path. 

And by focusing on the things that matter most to YOU. 

That's where your inner Magical Child and your Creative Power come in. The Wild Woman, the Creative Goddess. She has been silenced for way too long. 
Reviving, reclaiming and embodying your heArt & Soul is a journey into:

❥ feeling safe, free, sensual (SenseYouAll) & alive in your body  
❥ harnessing your innate primordial and creative power 
❥ living the dreams you hold in your heart of hearts

And this starts from WITHIN. You find success from the depths of your most Authentic & Creative Self. 

I want you to experience what it is like to live You. 

ALL of you. 

With your body, heart & soul as your guides and your mind/ego as your faithful assistant. 

Working with me is an invitation to come home to who you are and how you (be)long to be. 

It's about getting really honest and knowing yourself deeply. 

It's about (re)birthing yourself, your life, your gifts.

I offer an in depth 4-6 months private mentorship trajectory for she who is ready to take the plunge:

Are you ready to be unapologetically Soul- and Self-Expressed?

Find out whether this trajectory is for you and apply for a non-binding 30 min Laser Coaching Session!

In a Laser Coaching Session you get clarity on what part of your soul is ready to be retrieved & integrated 
in order for you to take the next inspired step on your journey with confidence. 


Nicola CorcoranUK

Luna has an incredible ability to hold sacred space, listen deeply and guide intuitively. Her body-based guidance always seemed to skilfully invite deeper levels of awareness and self-understanding, and a more grounded sense of home in myself. She helped me remember who I am when I am in my feminine power and with that has come great creativity, ease and joy. Before our first session I was deep in grief, lost and stuck. I now feel returned to the (soul) flow of my life and I feel plenty of energy. My creativity and openness have returned. I feel inspired, excited and super confident to birth my new business Nourish & Grow. I'm forever grateful. I think every woman should do this work.

How well do you really know your soul? 

Your soul is much more than a tool to help you make decisions - it's who you really are. 

It's the truth of your life. It's the seed of your full potential. 

It's your faithful, loving inner friend that wants for you a life of love, wholeness, and growth. 

Your soul speaks through your body and is always trying to help you move forward, heal the wounds your heart has suffered, and help you grow and evolve into your real life.  

Hi, I am Luna. 

I am a certified and trauma-informed transformational Art&Soul Coach for Women, an Intuitive, Abstract Artist and I facilitate Art4Joy Workshops in UK and Spain. 

It is my absolute greatest joy and honour to guide you through the powerful process of peeling away all the layers of conditioning, reclaiming ALL of you & embodying your inner Wise Woman.

So you can live your highest & most authentic version of life and love.  

While traditional (psycho)therapy or coaching often aims at fixing, solving or treating, the most important aim of our work together is for you to:

❥ get to know yourself deeply
❥ discern and integrate the many, often competing, voices and parts of the frightened personality
❥ to come into intimate relationship with your inner child (the wounded inner child & the magical inner child)
❥ to meet and reclaim the lost parts of you, the parts that you learnt are not allowed to be known, expressed & felt.
❥ to embody your birthright to live a life in alignment with your unique soul
❥ to feel safe, alive & free in your own body as a woman

I work in a somatic way. 

"Soma" is the Greek word for body. The practice of somatic is an inquiry into knowing ourselves and the world around us, by listening to the body and its language. 
Our soul, our deepest feelings and our inner Wisdom & Intuition speak through the sensations of the body.

My work with you will help you foster a deep connection with your somatic world. This connection can gift you with living from the direct experience of wholeness, from who you are at your core in any given moment. 

In the process you'll naturally start to attune to the wise voice of your heart and soul, your deepest self, so they become your most trusted guides as you live a more embodied, heart-centred and soulful life. 

From this place, you are able to rest into a natural sense of freedom, belonging, safety and aliveness, sourced from within, as the foundation for how you show up in the world and for how you (re)birth yourself, your life and your business. 

Even if at times wildly mysterious and frustrating to our small self,

there simply is no wiser, more knowing, or constant companion than our very own body &  soul.

Ann de Wreede - The Netherlands

Luna helped me through an extremely intense time in my life, in which I was battling with my work and the people around me. Her approach is gentle, compassionate and firm when needed. She has the capacity of deep intuitive listening which is rare to find these days. Her unwavering belief in my own innate strength & wisdom and her skilful guidance in understanding the language of my body and soul, helped me reconnect with my authentic needs and activate & reclaim the lost feminine energies in me. She is supportive in her approach. I loved her showing her own humanity and struggles when it was relevant, appropriate and in service of my process. I feel very grateful for having had her guidance and the trust she had in me being able to find my way back to my own soul, my creativity & inner wisdom. Thanks to feeling grounded in myself and in my Creative Feminine power I found the courage to take a sorely needed break from my day job and reflect on what it is I truly desire. I could never have done this without this work & guidance. I feel so much more trusting and positive about the future now that I am connected with my inner resources, my spiritual gifts and a deep sense of peace. 

Your shadow is nothing more than the part of you that is unconscious and therefore hidden from your awareness.
The unconscious is filled with all kinds of things that you have been conditioned to judge as ‘unacceptable’ about you. 

Shadow work is nothing more than the art of making the unconscious, conscious and the unacceptable, acceptable. 

Loveable even.


Doing Soul & Shadow work with me can support you in:

. living a life from embodied presence and loving awareness

. reconnecting with your innate create intelligence

• shifting from ROLE to SOUL to live a more authentic & creative life true to your heart. 

• navigating through difficult circumstances and changes with ease, grace and creativity

• awakening to the deeper love and wisdom of the Creative Feminine, your True Nature

• going beyond deeply ingrained, limiting ways of Being

• deepening your understanding of the inside-out nature of your experience

• cultivating more depth, intimacy & connectedness in relationship with yourself and others 

• learning to have deep compassion & love for yourself and your life

• living more in tune with yourself and your deepest needs

• discovering and carrying out your unique soul gifts

• (re)creating your life and success the feminine way

• bringing the awe, wonder, aliveness & Joy back to your day-to-day living

The rewards are profound. 

Doing the deep soul & shadow work enables us to alter our self-sabotaging behaviour so that we can achieve a more Self-directed life.

— Connie Zweig 

Charlene Fursland, UK

Luna helped me to reclaim my Creative Feminine Power and with that came a profound sense of wholeness and peace, where all the fictional chatter of the brain is sidelined. I should like to reside in this space for as long as possible. I was a single mom with three kids and stage four cancer. I found the courage to trust MY inner wisdom that was clearly telling me to heal my cancer the natural way, despite the pressure from the environment to do the conventional treatment.  I did heal 100%, I am free of cancer. I felt so inspired by Luna's way of coaching that I trained up as a Transformative Spiritual Life Coach and started my own Coaching Business to help mothers lose their mom guilt and have fun parenting their kids.  
I wholeheartedly recommend Luna as she truly is a master at cutting through the crap in a compassionate and loving way. and taking you to your core where there is your inner power, your inner wisdom, your creativity and your peace. 

Thank you.

Emma Sabin,  Ibiza

Working with Luna has been a deeply transformative experience – she used a somewhat deceivingly ‘simple’ process to help peel back layers of my psyche, which allowed me to return to my body and the ‘Real Me’ time and time again. Luna is a wonderful person to take you on the journey to The Soul and Feminine Self by reclaiming the lost parts of yourself – not only is she gentle and kind, but she has the necessary intuition, wisdom and intelligence to guide you into the inner workings of your conscious and subconscious mind. Ever since working with Luna I have been able to unapologetically trust my intuition so I am currently re-creating my kids yoga business into a Coaching Business for women who are going through breast cancer or who are breast cancer survivors, like myself. Birthing this new business would not have been possible without having access to my creative inner recourses and having the crystal clear clarity on what is the most soul aligned work for me. Every woman deserves to live her highest vision, I highly recommend working with Luna as she will help you step into your feminine Soul shoes. You will finally dance like nobody is watching!  

Reclaiming Somatic Intelligence is Activism

Our Western, patriarchal and colonial value systems have conditioned us to look outside of ourselves for authority, education, connection, pleasure, purpose and meaning. 
This programming has exalted the mind, intellect and external orientation over the intelligence of the body and our own internal relationship with our visceral, powerful, sensual, heartful & creative selves. We have normalised the constant and dissatisfying reaching and searching for fullness, nourishment and connection outside of our own skin.
Through this, our culture has become painfully disembodied, operating primarily from unprocessed personal and collective trauma.

As well as seeing our intellect as separate from our body-self, we also perceive and experience ourselves as separate from each other and the world around us.

- Somatic Institute for Women

'The more we can welcome, see, understand and love the parts & voices of ourselves we innocently disowned, repressed and rejected, the more of our True Nature, the more of our Soul becomes available to us and the more we experience feelings of Love, Joy and deep Peace as the back drop to what ever goes on in our lives.

It feels like we're plugged in to a higher part of ourselves,  something far greater and more intelligent than our own small ego mind self. 

Life becomes effortless and more playful when we are connected with our Creative Soul Self, our Inner Artist and the sensual aliveness in our body.
We start expressing our highest creative potential with joy, grace and a sense of purpose.'

Want to experience how it feels for me to hold space for you? 

Book an Introductory Laser Coaching Session. 

Get crystal clear on what part of your soul is ready to be retrieved / integrated and feel confident to take the next inspired step on your journey.

Low Entrance Cost. 100% Money Back Guarantee. No questions asked.

Art infusing Office, Home & Heart with Joy! 
For Colour Lovers, Soul Searchers & Free Spirits.



Copyright Luna Joy Art